Helping your business turn green

We know the path to the top is never easy!

Greentech Ventures follows a holistic yet comprehensive approach to ensure the SMEs/Start-ups/Entrepreneurs have access to the right resources to make it big. Starting from the identification phase till securing funds, GreenTech walks with the innovators in every steps to ensure it achieves the intended results. Be it training support or mentorship, connecting the innovators to market, and helping with seed fund, we are there with you.


This stage involves developing a business concept, bootstrapping to get the necessary groundwork in place, business proposal, getting patents done and creating pitch decks. At this point it is unlikely that VCs will provide funding in exchange for equity, so you need to depend on your personal resources and contacts to launch your startup.


In this stage the innovator usually has a product or prototype ready. In certain cases, the market research is also done and small scale piloting is under way. The primary focus in this stage is usually fundraising. The goal is to secure enough funding now to prove to future investors you have the capacity to grow and scale. Someone from the venture capital firm likely will take a seat on the board to monitor operations and ensure activity is done according to plan. 

Series A

Series A typically is the first round of venture capital financing. At this stage, your company has usually completed its business plan and has a pitch deck emphasizing product-market fit. You are honing the product and establishing a customer base, ramping up marketing and advertising, and you can demonstrate consistent revenue flow.

Series B

This stage of venture capital supports actual product manufacturing, marketing and sales operations. To expand, you’ll likely need a much larger capital investment than earlier ones. While Series A investors will measure your potential, Series B want to see actual performance and evidence of a commercially viable product or service to support future fundraising. Performance metrics give investors confidence that you and your team can achieve success at a larger scale.

Series C

When you reach the Series C funding stage, you’re on a growth path. You’ve achieved success and incremental funding will help you build new products, reach new markets and even acquire other startups. It typically requires 2-3 years to reach this phase on a quick trajectory, and you’re producing exponential growth and consistent profitability.


You’ve reached maturity and now need financing to support major events. Mezzanine stage is the bridge stage or pre-public stage — means you are a full-fledged, viable business. Many of the investors who have helped you reach this level of success will now sell their shares and earn a significant return on their investment. With the original investors leaving, that opens the door for late-stage investors to come in hoping to gain from an IPO or sale.


An IPO or initial public offering is the natural progression of funding beyond VCs. It’s the process of taking your private company public by offering corporate shares on the open market. This can be a very effective way for a growing startup with proven potential or a long-established company to generate funds and reward earlier investors, including the founder and team. 

Our Services

Green Investment

Funding Support

GreenTech Ventures help to connect startups and entrepreneurs with potential investors, including angel investors, venture capitalists, and impact investment funds. We also provide guidance and support throughout the fundraising process, helping startups prepare pitch decks and financial models.

Equity and Loan

GreenTech Ventures offers green investment solutions to businesses to support SMEs and businesses. These programs provide a range of services, such as access to co-working spaces, mentorship, business development support, networking opportunities, and funding.

Seed Capital

GreenTech Ventures provides seed funding to promising startups that are focused on addressing climate change and promoting sustainability. This funding used to support the development of new products and services, as well as to help startups grow and scale their businesses.

Strategic Coaching

Training and Capacity Building

GreenTech Ventures offers training programs and capacity building workshops to help startups and entrepreneurs build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. This includes training on topics like business planning, marketing, financial management, and impact measurement.

Networking & Partnership Opportunities

GreenTech Ventures provides networking and partnership opportunities to startups, connecting them with investors, industry experts, and potential customers. This help startups build relationships that lead to new funding, business partnerships, and other opportunities.

Investor Matchmaking

GreenTech Ventures help to connect startups and entrepreneurs with potential investors who are interested in supporting sustainable businesses. This involves organizing investor pitch events, facilitating introductions between startups and investors, and providing guidance on fundraising strategies.

Market Linkage

Market Access Support

GreenTech Ventures help startups and entrepreneurs’ access to markets for their products or services. This includes providing introductions to potential customers, partners, or distributors, as well as support with market research and product development.

Access to Resources

GreenTech Ventures provides startups with access to a range of resources, such as legal and accounting support, technology infrastructure, and research facilities. This helps startups reduce their operating costs and accelerate their growth.

Access to Technology

We offer offer technical expertise and access to innovative technology to address various challenges through our partners for SMEs and potential start-ups covering a wide array of solutions for green and inclusive development.

Business Development

Business Development Support

GreenTech Ventures provides business development support to startups that are focused on sustainability and climate change. This includes market research, product development, branding and marketing support, and sales and distribution advice.

Advocacy and Policy Support

GreenTech Ventures advocates for the policies and regulations that support sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. This includes working with government agencies and other stakeholders to promote sustainable practices and encourage investment in climate-friendly businesses.

Community Engagement

GreenTech Ventures actively engages in social initiatives, seminars, conferences, and consultancy services on climate, environmental, green, and sustainability issues. The organization is committed to being a catalyst for positive change in the community by raising awareness and fostering collaborations that contribute to a greener and more sustainable world.

Our Partners

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